Manage your shortcuts in Photoshop


Like many other advanced software Photoshop also includes a functionality for you to delete, add or edit shortcut keys to optimize your workspace and make you feel at home.

photoshop  shortcuts

My personally opinion is not to edit all the default keys to fit you better, like giving the copy (ctrl + c) and paste (ctrl + v) new values. The reason is lets say you use Photoshop at home and have made all those changes, then you are going to school and have to get use to the standard settings, or even if you are on the phone and giving some Photoshop guidelines to somebody else and the shortcuts dont match.

When thats said, what I like to do is to add some of my own shortcuts to Photoshop, I have a lot of functions that I use often which is not attached to keys by default, so what we are going to do now is to add some shortcuts, some just for fun and others because you might need them in the future.

Last note, remember I use Photoshop CS3 (also called version 9), so some of these information might not fit pervious versions.

Everything about managing shortcuts in Photoshop is done in this menu called keyboard shortcuts.

Photoshop shortcuts tutorial

First of all we will click on the small button as shown below to create a new shortcut file, give it a name, and place it in the shortcut folder.

The great thing about this is you can take your shortcut settings with you when you are at work or school and load your personal shortcut settings.

Photoshop shortcuts tutorial

Now you have to pick which kind of shortcut key you want to edit, delete or assign a value.

Photoshop shortcuts tutorial

For our first shortcut we will make one from the application menus, a transform tool called wrap, I use it a lot, so we will assign a shortcut key to it, so next time just holding shift + ctrl and press Q, than will call our wrap tool.

In the shortcut menu as you can see from the image below, click the small arrow next to "edit" and locate the wrap tool under transform.

Click on it once then hold down and click the buttons you want the tool assigned to. Thats it, you now have made your first own shortcut.

Photoshop shortcuts tutorial

Photoshop shortcuts tutorial

As you can see from the image above its also very easy to edit, just by repeating the step we just did, and to delete you will just selection the wrap tool and click the delete button.



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